Interest Groups are formed by members who want to learn or share their knowledge about a particular subject or take part in a new activity, with one person taking on the role of group convenor.
If you would like to learn more about and participate in the activities of any of the Groups or want more information about what it does, please email the Convenor by clicking on their name at the top of the Group's page.
New Interest Groups can be formed at any time to learn about something new if enough members are interested in the subject and if someone is willing and able to act as Convenor. If you have an idea for a new Group and would be prepared to lead it, please speak to or send an email to the Group Coordinator Suzy Gardiner who will then discuss your proposal with the Committee.
Groups usually meet in one of their members homes or in one of the halls shown on this page.
The Groups that are currently running are listed below. Groups that are no longer meeting are shown under 'Links' on the right of this page. If you would be interested in reviving an inactive Group please speak to or click on the Group Coordinator to send her an email.
Groups listed by meeting day
Music Appreciation
Status: Full
Monthly on Monday afternoons 2:30 pm
1st Monday -
Status: Active
Monthly on Mondays 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
1st Monday of the month
Drawing and Painting
Status: Active
Monthly on Tuesdays 2:00 pm
1st Tuesday of the month -
Status: Active
Fortnightly on Tuesdays 2:00 pm
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Status: Active
Weekly on Wednesdays 9:30 am -
Status: Active
Monthly on Wednesdays 10:00 am
3rd Wednesday -
Jazz Appreciation
Status: Active
Monthly on Wednesdays
2nd Wednesday -
Science and Technology
Status: Active
Monthly on Wednesday afternoons 2:00 pm-4:00 pm -
Wine Appreciation
Status: Active
on Wednesday afternoons
Status: Active
Monthly on Thursdays 2:00 pm
Last Thursday of the month -
Status: Active
Monthly on Thursdays 2:00 pm
2nd Thursday of the month -
Status: Active
Weekly on Thursdays 4:00 pm-5:00 pm
Food Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Fridays 10:00 am
2nd Friday of the month -
French Discussion
Status: Active
Weekly on Fridays 2:30 pm
Every Friday except 1st -
French Level 1
Status: Active
Weekly on Fridays 2:00 pm
Every Friday except 1st -
Military History
Status: Active
on Fridays 2:00 pm
3rd Friday of the month -
Reading 1
Status: Full
Monthly on Fridays 2:30 pm
2nd Friday of the month -
Reading 2
Status: Full
Monthly on Fridays 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
2nd Friday of the month -
Ten Pin Bowling
Status: Active
Monthly on Friday mornings 10:00 am
Normally 4th Friday of the month
Sunday Lunch
Status: Full
on Sundays 1:30 pm
Last Sunday of the month
Board Games
Status: Active
10:00 am-12:00 pm
2nd and 4th Thursday -
Status: Active
1st and 3rd Tuesday at 1pm -
Status: Dormant -
Computer Users
Status: Closed
Support as required -
Status: Active
3rd Tuesday of the month -
Discovering History
Status: Active
3rd Thursday 10:30am / all day -
Status: Full
Tuesday at 10:30am -
Status: Active
As and when Quizzes are organised -
Status: Dormant
1st & 5th Monday in the Month -
Theatre Visits
Status: Dormant
By Prior Notification -
Status: Active
Monday and Tuesday at 10:00am